Certified DONA birth doula. Trained in birth assisting. Established relationships with care providers. Tabitha truly knows and loves birth!
My first baby was born 26 years ago, while I was still an undergrad at Brown University. My first six children were born in five different hospitals, and the last seven at home. I became a certified DONA doula after the (painless!) birth of my ninth child in 2012, completed Spinning Babies training with Gail Tully, neonatal resuscitation and perinatal psychology with Karen Strange, birth assistant training with Birth Arts International, perinatal loss through Embracing Grace and VCU’s medical school in Richmond, and attended ACNM’s annual symposium at George Washington medical school in DC. I love birth. Aways have. And I want all women to know what is possible for birth: an ecstasy, intimacy, and bliss beyond imagination.